Unit 2, Velocity

Unit 2, Velocity

Knowlhill, Milton Keynes, MK5 8HL

Velocity is located in the employment area of Knowlhill, approximately 1.5 miles to the south west of Central Milton Keynes. Knowlhill is accessed from three of the main urban 'grid roads' V4 Watling Street, H6 Childs Way and H7 Chaffron Way. Redway 51 conveniently connects the building by foot or cycle to Central Milton Keynes and Milton Keynes Railway Station, where there is a fast train service from Milton Keynes to London Euston of approximately 35 minutes.

The property benefits excellent access to the A5, M1 (J13 & 14) and M40 motorways. Tear Drop Lakes which is part of the Loughton Valley Park is to the north of the site forming an attractive setting for this much sought after development

  • The property reached practical completion in Q2 2019 and provides the following specification:
  • 22,710 sq ft (2,109 sq m)
  • Self-contained secure 1.43 acre site
  • Open plan single storey offices
  • Raised floors with carpet finish
  • Air conditioning to offices
  • Two level access doors
  • Internal height 8 metres to eaves
  • 26 car parking spaces
  • 7 lorry spaces - 5 waiting/2 loading
  • Floor loading 50KN/m2
  • Toilet, kitchen, and shower facilities
  • Detached high specification unit
  • Sustainable and energy efficient design


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