South Caldecotte,
Milton Keynes

South Caldecotte,
Milton Keynes

Strategic Distribution Park

Outline Planning Permission was granted on 14 October 2020 for the development of the 56.8ha (140 acre) site for employment uses, comprising of warehousing and distribution (Class B8) floorspace (including mezzanine floors) with ancillary Class E office space, general industrial (Class B2) floorspace (including mezzanine floors) with ancillary Class E office space, a small standalone office (Class E) and small café (Class E) to serve the development; car and HGV parking areas, with earthworks, drainage and attenuation features and other associated infrastructure, a new primary access off Brickhill Street, alterations to Brickhill Street and provision of Grid Road reserve to Brickhill Street.

This important strategic employment allocation of Plan:MK can deliver up to 205,400 sqm GIA (2,210,905 sq ft) and create circa 2050 full time jobs, thereby meeting an identified need for warehousing and distribution uses in Milton Keynes

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