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Strategic Land

Strategic Land

Hampton Brook have successfully promoted a number of large strategic sites. Working in collaboration with the landowners we have advised and successfully gained planning permission for industrial and logistics parks and business parks on previously unallocated land.

Our most recent successes include land at Junction 16 of the M1, Northampton and land at South Caldecotte, Milton Keynes. At Junction 16 of the M1 Hampton Brook have gained planning consent on a site of 120 acres of previously unallocated land for the use as an Industrial and Logistics Park of 1.7m sq ft. At South Caldecotte, Milton Keynes, we have achieved a large scale allocation of land for a 2.4m sq ft manufacturing and distribution park on a previously unallocated 140 acre site.

We are currently working with land owners on a number of other strategic sites across the region totalling over 750 acres.

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Warehouse & Industrial Development

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